Ian Hules

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Ian Hules

Major, Special Air Service

Name(s): Ian Banquo Hules
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Major
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United Kingdom
British Army (SAS)
Stargate Command

Portrayed by: Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

Major Ian B. Hules is a member of the Special Air Service, and a training officer at Stargate Command.


After six years of operations, and numerous near-misses where alien encounters almost leaked to the public, The Pentagon and President of the United States determined that it was in the best interests of national and planetary security to disclose the existance of the Stargate Program to the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council: France, the People's Republic of China, and the United Kingdom. While China pressed for the same level of involvement and participation that the Russians had managed to achieve, Britain was more interested in helping to refine the Stargate Program that already existed.

Major Ian Hules was selected as an advisor and consultant, a veteran of Britain's elite Special Air Service to help train Stargate Command's offworld teams and hopefully reduce the casualty rate for SGC teams. Many of Stargate Command's incoming military officers went through a training program developed by Hules: not just new members of numbered SG teams, but also personnel for offworld bases, Marine contingents such as the ones commanded by Colonel Marshall Sumner and Colonel Dillon Everett, and international officers assigned to the Atlantis Expedition as well. The training was not only about improving the capabilities of these men and women, but perhaps more importantly about cohesion and common practise, helping those from a wide array of different backgrounds work together as effectively as possible.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

Hules' role with Stargate Command was not purely training, however. Hules also assisted Stargate Command as a security consultant, accompanying teams on offworld missions on occasion at the invitation of General George Hammond. During one of these missions, Hules was critically injured, with life-saving medical care provided by Doctor Janet Fraiser. During her eulogy after her death on P3X-666, Hules was among the first names listed as a life saved by Doctor Fraiser.  (SG1: "Heroes, Part 2")

By the time of the Ori Crusade, Hules had picked up an additional voluntary responsibility: acting as an intermediary between General Jack O'Neill at the Office of Homeworld Security, and the British representative to the IOA. While Hules insisted that this was a favour being done to spare O'Neill from dealing with any more politicians than was necessary, O'Neill had his own suspicions that the Brits were more concerned about him ruffling the feathers of any politicians back home. Either way, Hules' role was largely similar to the military liaison role held by Colonel Chekov, and his successor Major Daria Voronkova.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Major Ian Hules was mentioned in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1. He is not portrayed on screen: he is one of the names listed as part of Doctor Fraiser's eulogy.

His description and portrayal in SGR is based on Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje — specifically his likeness in American Odyssey — who is familiar as Mr. Eko in Lost, and in various movie roles.
