The Pentagon

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The Pentagon

United States Department of Defense

Name(s): The Pentagon
Location: Arlington, Virginia - Earth (Milky Way)

Leader(s): Secretary of Defense
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Technology: Modern (Advanced)
Affiliation: Department of Defense
United States Army
United States Navy
United States Air Force
United States Marine Corps
Office of Homeworld Security
National Intelligence Department

First Seen: SG1: "Children of the Gods"  (mentioned)

The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, and by extension of the National Intelligence Department and the Office of Homeworld Security.


Originally constructed between 1941 and 1943 as a new headquarters for the Department of War during World War II, The Pantagon sits alongside the Potomac River opposite Washington, DC. It passed into the hands of the Department of Defense when it was established in 1947, and in addition to serving as the headquarters of the United States military, it is also a metonym for the military hierarchy and leadership.

Early experiments with the Giza Stargate took place at (or nearby) The Pentagon. The United States Navy was initially responsible for the Stargate, taking custody in 1939 when it was delivered to the United States aboard the Achilles, and conducted the inadvertently successful experiment that stranded Ernest Littlefield on Heliopolis in 1945. Custody passed to the United States Air Force when it was established in 1947, who by 1969 had mothballed the project and relocated the Stargate to a classified storage facility in DC.  (SG1: "Torment of Tantalus", "1969", Continuum)

When the Stargate Program became operational in 1996, officers at The Pentagon provided direct oversight.