Dillon Everett

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Dillon Everett

Brigadier General, United States Marine Corps

Name(s): Dillon Everett
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Brigadier General (1★)
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Marine Corps
Office of Homeworld Security

Portrayed by: Clayton Landey

Brigadier General Dillon Everett is the liaison officer between the United States Marine Corps and the Office of Homeworld Security.


As a Colonel, Dillon Everett was selected by General Jonathan J. O'Neill to lead a contingent of US Marines through the Stargate to Atlantis in order to help the city prepare for an impending Wraith attack. Assuming command - to the dismay of the civilian leadership - he clashed with the Atlantis Expedition's senior members: particularly Major John Sheppard, who had shot and killed Colonel Marshall Sumner at his unspoken request to spare him from being fed upon by the Wraith, a decision that Everett felt was not consistent with the character of his old friend. He was forced to reevaluate this opinion, however, after he became the victim of a Wraith feeding himself, aging several years as a result. Following the arrival of the Daedalus with a ZPM and the destruction of the remaining Wraith forces, Everett was evacuated back to Earth for additional medical care.  (ATL: "The Siege, Part 2", "The Siege, Part 3")

Back on Earth, Everett was able to receive a series of different treatments which partly - though not completely - reversed the aging effects of the Wraith feeding. One of these treatments was tretonin, which Everett began taking to offset the reduced effectiveness of his immune system. It was the Marine Corps' intent that Colonel Everett be honourably discharged, but having suffered through the rapid onset effects of artificial aging himself, General O'Neill was far less inclined to rob Everett of the opportunity to feel like he could still contribute. Instead, he proposed that Everett be promoted to Brigadier General, and assigned as the official liaison to the Office of Homeworld Security, arguing that with the increased Marine presence on Atlantis, as well as the prospect of Marines deployed across the Battlecruiser fleet, a single General for the various Colonels to report into would be both prudent and useful.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

While on Atlantis, Everett was given ATA gene therapy, making him one of the few officers at Homeworld Security who can operate the Ancient weapons platform at the Antarctic Outpost.

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Behind the Scenes

Dillon Everett was portrayed by Clayton Landey in 2 episodes of Stargate Atlantis.
