Daria Voronkova

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Daria Voronkova

Major, Russian Armed Forces

Name(s): Daria Ivanova Voronkova
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Major
Gender: Female (she/her)
Affiliation: Russian Federation
Russian Armed Forces  (Ground)
International Oversight Advisory
Stargate Command  (liaison)

Portrayed by: Françoise Robertson

Major Daria Voronkova is the new Russian Armed Forces military liaison to Stargate Command and the IOA.


For many years, Voronkova served as the right hand "man" of Colonel Chekov, the Russian military liaison to Stargate Command. Primarily an administrative appointment, Voronkova's responsibilities increased after the existence of the Stargate Program was disclosed to France, Great Britain, and the People's Republic of China. Colonel Chekov was granted an office at Cheyenne Mountain as part of the new status quo, and Voronkova increasingly became responsible for overseeing Colonel Chekov's offices back in Moscow in his absense, bringing her into frequent contact — and sometimes conflict — with members of Russia's military and political leadership. During the crisis caused by The Trust's infiltration of the Russian military, Voronkova coordinated with Daniel Jackson from Stargate Command; their rapport went a long way to strengthening relations between the Russian Armed Forces and the SGC in the immediate aftermath.  (SG1: "Disclosure", "Full Alert")

Voronkova's promotion to Major was one of Chekov's last acts before he took command of the Korolev, a choice that led to his death soon after.  (SG1: "Crusade", "Camelot")

When the International Oversight Advisory was first formed, there was a degree of discomfort over Russia continuing to have a military officer as their liaison. After Chekov's death, the IOA urged for a civilian appointment instead, with Doctor Svetlana Markov — formerly of Russia's own Stargate Program — ultimately chosen. Despite this, ongoing cooperation between the United States and Russian militaries created a continued need for a military liaison at Stargate Command. Various political interests in Moscow each had their own preferred candidate, but the SGC managed to gently encourage the selection of Major Voronkova, suggesting that an unfamiliar officer might represent a step backwards in US–Russian cooperation. Voronkova's new responsibilities would also include serving as a liaison with Doctor Markov, the Russian government eventually conceeding that the IOA might find a Major more palatable in that position than the Colonel that Moscow would have preferred.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

In that latter capacity, Voronkova accompanied Doctor Markov on an IOA visit to the Beta Site, using it as an excuse to visit the incomplete Battlecruiser and pay homage to her former mentor.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Daria Voronkova was portrayed by Françoise Robertson in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1.

The Stargate Wiki describes Voronkova (and Chekov) as being part of the Russian Air Force. The red on their uniform would suggest that they are members of the Russian Army, however, which is the interpretation assumed here.
