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Name(s): P3X-367
Inhabitants: Ancients  (former)
Goa'uld (Nirrti)  (former)
People of P3X-984
People of P4S-237
Nomads of Vis Uban
Location: Milky Way

Technology: Mixed
Affiliation: Allies of the Tau'ri

First Seen: SG1: "Metamorphosis"

P3X-367 is a former outpost of the Ancients, and later home to the People of P3X-367. It was briefly controlled by the Goa'uld Nirrti.


The planet known as P3X-367 was once inhabited by the Ancients. Though the presence of an DNA manipulation device suggested that the outpost had been occupied during the time of the Ancients' research into Ascension - presumed to be after their return from the Pegasus Galaxy, around ten thousand years ago - the architectural style seems more in keeping with the Heliopolis complex on PB2-908, and with settlements that predate the Lantean era of the Ancient civilization. It is possible that P3X-367 was inhabited by Ancients both before and after their time in Pegasus.  (SG1: "Torment of Tantalus", "Metamorphosis"; SGR: "The Arrow")

By the era of Stargate Command, the planet was inhabited by the People of P3X-367. After an illness swept through their village, the natives were approached by the Goa'uld Nirrti, who offered to use the Ancient technology at the former outpost to cure their sickness. It was later revealed that - as she had done on other worlds - Nirrti was responsible for having introduced the illness into their society in the first place, as a way to leave the population vulnerable to manipulation. Nirrti used the Ancient device to augment the P3X-367 natives, unlocking extrasensory abilities in them as part of her efforts to create a Hok'tar. Unfortunately Nirrti's techniques were hurried and unrefined, leaving the natives deformed and disfigured in exchange for their pre-Ascension abilities.  (SG1: "Metamorphosis")

It is unclear whether Nirrti was responsible for initially bringing the People of P3X-367 to their world, or if the planet had previously been ruled by another Goa'uld.

Through the intervention of SG-1, the People of P3X-367 freed themselves from Nirrti's control, killing the System Lord in the process. Most of the natives were restored to their pre-experiment genetic state, save for Eggar, who had used his psychic abilities to take the knowledge of how to cure his brethren from Nirrti's mind, but could not perform the process upon himself. Though SG-1 expressed an interest in wanting to study the machine, the natives considered it too dangerous to be left intact.  (SG1: "Metamorphosis")

With Nirrti having wiped out a significant percentage of their population, the natives were open to the idea of offering refuge to the People of P4S-237 after they too freed themselves from their own Goa'uld oppression at the hands of Mot, and wished to abandon the mines of P4S-237 for a more pleasant home, leaving their world to be aggressively mined for whatever naquadah remained by Stargate Command. They were joined not long after by the Nomads of Vis Uban, who were relocated by Stargate Command so that Vis Uban could be used as the bait in a trap intended to destroy Anubis' Mothership. Unlike earlier refugee efforts, Stargate Command put some degree of effort into combining cultures that seemed "compatable", so that the new arrivals would not prove adversely disruptive to the native P3X-367 way of life. The efforts seemed to succeed, with the strong work effort of the P4S-237 miners contributing well to the rebuilding the settlement in the wake of Nirrti's impact, and the nomads showing the same signature respect for the inherent culture as they would have done in any of the other locales they settled.  (SG1: "Prophecy", "Fallen")

The tripych society persisted for several years, until the arrival of a Prior of the Ori. He attempted to sway the village to Origin, but the peoples of neither P3X-367 nor P4S-237 had any interest in renewing their dedication to any sorts of gods, and Shamda of the nomads proved particularly effective at both frustrating and holding the Prior at bay. After contacting Stargate Command to tell them of this encounter, however, it was decided that the three populations should be evacuated to the Beta Site for their own safety, amid fears that the Ancient Outpost on the planet would make it a priority target for the Ori's destructive tendancies.  (SGR: "The Arrow")