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Alliance of Four Great Races

Name(s): Heliopolis
Inhabitants: Ancients  (former)
Asgard  (former)
Furlings  (former)
Nox  (former)
Location: Milky Way

Technology: Advanced
Affiliation: Alliance of Four Great Races
Ancient Domain  (former)

First Seen: SG1: "The Torment of Tantalus"

Heliopolis was an Ancient Outpost located on PB2-908, that served as a meeting place for the Alliance of Four Great Races.


The Citadel on PB2-908 was constructed by the Ancients on one of the worlds in their domain to serve as a meeting place between who they deemed to be the four great races of their era: the Ancients themselves, the Asgard of the Ida Galaxy, the Furlings, and the Nox. The Ancients intended it as a place of shared knowledge and understanding, and devised a common language through which to share complicated ideas and concepts. The central meeting chamber at Heliopolis acted as something of a Rosetta Stone, allowing for translation between the four native languages, via the common intermediary. After decades of study while stranded at Heliopolis, Doctor Ernest Littlefield concluded that the language relied on a combination of atomic structures and three-dimensional positioning; though something suspected to be a two-dimensional representation of the language was later discovered in the Ancient Outpost on P3X-367.  (SG1: "The Torment of Tantalus"; SGR: "The Arrow")

It is unclear when Heliopolis was constructed, though based on its architecture and the aesthetic of the technology within, it would seem likely that it - and by extension the Alliance of Four Great Races - was somewhat contemporary with the Milky Way generation of Stargates, thus predating the Ancient migration to the Pegasus Galaxy, and the newer generation Stargates found there. At the very least, it is known that Asgard interactions with the Ancients stretch back at least as far as this era, though for the most part that information has been inferred rather than outright stated by the Asgard, who are as ever quite coy about revealing any specifics to a race that has not yet achieved its potential as the Fifth Race.

In 1945, while attempting to determine if the Stargate would be of any strategic use against the Nazis during World War II, a wormhole to Heliopolis was opened and Ernest Littlefield travelled through, left stranded by an inoperable Dial Home Device at the receiving end. Information on this accidental success was buried by the United States military, and would not come to light for over fifty years, at which point Littlefield was found and returned to Earth by a team from Stargate Command. The successful wormhole connection made back in 1945, without any efforts made to compensate for several thousand years of stellar drift, would seem to suggest that Heliopolis (and by extension PB2-908) are located fairly close to Earth: rather than an outpost on the fringes of the Ancient Domain, Heliopolis was practically on the doorstep of the Ancients' adopted homeworld.  (SG1: "The Torment of Tantalus")

After the discovery that King Arthur was a genuine historical figure in league with the ex-Ascended Ancient Merlin, investigations were made to see if Heliopolis might factor into Arthurian lore in some manner, its close proximity to Earth making it one of the few worlds that Arthur and his knights might have been able to use to travel to and from Earth. As yet nothing conclusive has been determined.