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Name(s): P4S-237
Inhabitants: Goa'uld (Ba'al, Mot)  (former)
People of P4S-237  (former)
Location: Milky Way

Technology: Pre-Industrial
Affiliation: Allies of the Tau'ri

First Seen: SG1: "Prophecy"

P4S-237 is a world formerly under the control of Ba'al, home to the People of P4S-237.


The planet was first colonised by Ba'al, with Humans extracted from the Mesopotamian region of Earth. Three or four thousand years ago, P4S-237 was a world rich in naquadah, and represented a reliable source of resources for Ba'al and his domain. The population was kept technologically suppressed to minimise the risk of a potential uprising. Over the centuries the population was augmented by slaves of other ethnic extractions, and any specific cultural or ethnic identity was mostly lost.

By the 19th Century, Ba'al had determined that the mines on P4S-237 had run their course, and considered the settlement abandoned. His underlord Mot, however, continued to collect naquadah tributes from the planet, stockpiling them for his own uses. It was suspected in hindsight that he planned to use that naquadah to aid in staging a coup against Ba'al, though having invested a century in the preparations suggests an abundance of either patience or incompetence on his part.  (SG1: "Prophecy")

When SG-1 encountered the planet as part of a standard reconnaissance mission, they determined that if Ba'al truly did consider the planet useless and abandoned, there was a fairly minimal risk of any Goa'uld activity returning to the planet should Mot be killed. Plans were put in place to bring in SGC reinforcements and stage an ambush, but one of the locals, Chazen, was not ready to abandon his faith in the Goa'uld and issued a warning to Mot. Arriving early, Mot was able to capture half of SG-1, but one of the other locals, Natania, was able to single-handedly sedate their Jaffa guards and retrieve SG-1's weapons, even using one of them to kill Mot herself. Thanks to a series of Hok'tar prophetic visions from Jonas Quinn, SG-1 was able to accidentally avoid a fatal ambush at the Stargate, and succeeded in facilitating P4S-237's self-liberation.  (SG1: "Prophecy")

Despite this new-found freedom, the People of P4S-237 still suffered from less than favourable living conditions, and without their Goa'uld-imposed mining lacked a central function to build their society around. Stargate Command meanwhile was curious to see if there was more naquadah in the mines on 237 that could be extracted with more advanced Earth technology and methods. While SG-13 made arrangements for the miners to relocate to P3X-367, SG-11 set to work establishing an offworld mining outpost, much as they would later do on P3X-403.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

In the wake of Anubis' dominance over the System Lords, his defeat at the Battle of Antarctica, and the power vacuum that ensued, many Goa'uld found themselves retreating to worlds that they had previously abandoned. The Goa'uld did eventually return to P4S-237, but SG-11 had already picked the mines clean and was long gone.  (SG1: "It's Good to Be King"; SGR: "The Arrow")