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Nomads of Vis Uban

Name(s): Shamda
Species: Human

Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: Nomads of Vis Uban

Portrayed by: George Touliatos

Shamda is the leader of the Nomads of Vis Uban, who resettled among the villagers on P3X-367.


A notorious storyteller, Shamda spreads wisdom through a collection of anacdotes he has gathered on his travels from world to world. While he may be the leader of the Nomads in a spiritual sense, he is more of a guide than a ruler, and in a practical sense is most often found being led around by one of his close companions like Khordib, who seem to have dedicated themselves to making sure that Shamda does not wander off on a tangent too often, verbally or literally. While most of the nomads seem to display a weariness towards his stories and idioms, Shamda took great joy from his first encounter with Jack O'Neill of SG-1, and considers him to be one of the few true intellects in the galaxy.  (SG1: "Fallen")

When Stargate Command planned to lure Anubis to Vis Uban as an opportunity to destroy his Mothership, Shamda and the other nomads were relocated offworld for their safety. SG-13 introduced them to the Natives of P3X-367, who were happy to welcome them into their community — alongside the miners from P4S-237 — restoring some of the life to their village that had been snuffed out by Nirrti. Used to adapting to their surroundings and minimising their impact, Shamda and his people easily found a place for themselves within 367 society, with Shamda himself being regarded as one of the village elders by the time the Ori Crusade began.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

According to eye witnesses, the interactions between Shamda and the Prior were a sight to behold. Every story that the Prior attempted to convey from the Book of Origin was met with a challenge from Shamda's ensemble of assembled wisdom. While the Prior did not admit defeat, he did leave in frustration, with some speculating that his early return — more than a day ahead of the ultimatum he had given the village — was out of a sense of spite towards the old man in particular.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Shamda was portrayed by George Touliatos in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1. Touliatos had previously played Pyrus in "Need".
