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People of P4S-237

Name(s): Ellori
Species: Human
Homeworld: P4S-237

Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: People of P4S-237

Portrayed by: Thomas Kopache

Ellori is the leader of the People of P4S-237, who resettled among the villagers on P3X-367.


A century ago, Ba'al deemed the naquadah mines of P4S-237 to be too close to depletion to be worthy of his attention. Despite this, his underling Mot continued to gather tribute from the locals, stockpiling it for use in a potential coup. By the time SG-1 arrived on the planet as part of a standard reconnaissance mission, the locals were tired enough of their generational labour that they had begun to question the validity of the Goa'uld as gods. Stargate Command believed that if the continued value of 237 was being hidden from Ba'al as was believed, then Mot could be killed without necessarily leaving a vacuum for another System Lord to take his place. Not all of the locals were willing to defy their gods, however, with Chazen warning Mot of SG-1's plans. The Goa'uld set a trap, and was successful in capturing Jack O'Neill and Teal'c, though the brief prophetic powers of Jonas Quinn and a mix of luck, incompetence, and heroism from a local named Natania ensured Mot's downfall.  (SG1: "Prophecy")

After Mot's death, P4S-237 was visited by Colonel Martin Edwards and SG-11, to assess the state of the naquadah mines. It was determined that while the locals were unlikely to be able to extract more materials from the mines using their existing techniques, Tau'ri machinery would be able to yield a useful amount that would be of great benefit to the Stargate Program's ongoing efforts to construct F-302s and BC-303s for Earth defense. A deal was negotiated with the local population: Stargate Command would help them relocate to a more suitable location, freeing their world up for aggressive mining by SG-11 to quickly extract what naquadriah they could. Ellori, and the People of P3X-367 were kind enough to offer some of the space left vacant by Nirrti's culling of their population to allow the People of P4S-237 to have a more comfortable life. The initial relocation was supervised by SG-13, who would later be responsible for evacuating the miners from 367 years later to avoid an Ori attack.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Ellori was portrayed by Thomas Kopache in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1.
