Martin Edwards

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Martin Edwards

Colonel, United States Air Force

Name(s): Martin Edwards
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Colonel
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Air Force
Stargate Command (SG-11)  (formerly)

Portrayed by: Michael Rooker

Colonel Martin Edwards is a member of the United States Air Force, and the leader of SG-11.


Following his promotion to head of Air Force Space Command, General Maurice Vidrine made the formation of a viable Earth defense fleet one of his main priorities. To achieve this, however, Stargate Command would need to acquire offworld minerals and resources such as naquadah and trinium in far higher quantities than had previously been possible, to facilitate the construction of the BC-303 and later BC-304 Battlecruisers. At his request, scouting for potential offworld mining locations was made the primary mission for SG-11, under Colonel Edwards.  (SG1: "Enemy Mine")

In a report by one of his previous superiors, Edwards was described as "ruthlessly effective". While not necessarily a cruel individual, he had a reputation for his stubborn determination and his reliability as someone who could "get it done", regardless of any obstacles. This was a valuable trait for an Air Force that badly needed the resources he was assigned to retrieve, but proved potentially problematic for any natives and other offworlders who were opposed to or inconvenienced by it.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

Following the defeat of Mot on P4S-237, arrangements were made to relocate the natives to a more hospitable settlement on P3X-367. Within twenty-four hours of the natives' relocation, Colonel Edwards arrived on 237 with explosives and heavy machinery. While the mines on the planet had begun to dry up a century before, and had yielded all the naquadah that the natives could reasonably extract using Iron Age techniques, SG-11's more advanced and invasive approach managed to extract a respectable volume of usable naquadah: nothing of high enough quality to be refined into weapons grade, but good enough for use in the structural alloys of the F-302.  (SG1: "Prophecy"; SGR: "The Arrow")

On P3X-403, SG-11 spent three months surveying the abandoned Goa'uld mines in search of a viable site for large-scale industrial mining. Unfortunately, the mines were considered sacred by the native Unas population, whose ancestors had been enslaved there by the Goa'uld. After discovering evidence of this Unas population, Daniel Jackson recommended that Edwards shut down operations; Edwards refused, inadvertantly angering the native Unas, who retaliated by killing several members of Edwards' team. While Edwards' inclination was to respond in kind, Jackson recruited the Unas Chaka to mediate a more peaceful solution; with his help, the 403 Unas ultimately agreed to work their sacred mines for Stargate Command, providing the SGC with the naquadah so that it could be used to fight the Goa'uld.  (SG1: "Enemy Mine")

After withdrawing from P3X-403, SG-11 went on to establish another mining outpost on P4F-221.  (SG1: "Avenger 2.0")

By the time of the Ori Crusade, Colonel Edwards had obtained enough naquadah for Earth to construct the Daedalus, Odyssey, and Korolev, with two more in production, not to mention the countless F-302s on both the Battlecruiser fleet and the SGC's growing array of offworld outposts. Yet Edwards had become a victim of his own success. SG-11's purview had expanded to oversee the logistics as well as extraction, adding to Edwards' responsibility, but it was more of the same, and rather than contributing to the fight he found himself increasingly far from it. That Stargate Command "gave" the Korolev to the Russians was a choice he took personally, and was one that he felt would not have been made under the previous administration: both in terms of the President and the SGC leadership. Meanwhile he watched his peers and fellow Colonels promoted to General, or assigned to command offworld outposts; being the best at securing resources had left his superiors disinclined to allow him to do anything else. This sentiment was not unknown, with General Vidrine in particular keen for Edwards to take command of the next Battlecruiser to launch from PB3-865, but Edwards' personality and reputation made him a problematic choice, and one unlikely to win the approval of the IOA.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Martin Edwards is portrayed by Michael Rooker in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1. He is familiar as Merle Dixon on The Walking Dead, and Yondu in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
