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People of P4S-237

Name(s): Natania
Species: Human
Homeworld: P4S-237

Gender: Female (she/her)
Affiliation: People of P4S-237

Portrayed by: Sarah Edmondson

Natania is one of the People of P4S-237, who resettled among the villagers on P3X-367.


The daughter of Ellori, Natania grew up under the rule of Lord Mot, who exploited her people in secret without the knowledge or notice of his overlord, Ba'al. Years before SG-1 arrived on P4S-237, her husband had been killed by Mot, and she as well as many other members of her people had begun to question whether or not Mot was worthy of their worship, regardless of their godly powers. Not everyone was ready to defy the gods, however, and when Chazen warned Mot of SG-1's planned liberation, Jaffa reinforcements were sent early, capturing Jack O'Neill and Teal'c. Natania used her knowledge of local herbs to sedate the Jaffa guards and free SG-1, returning their weapons and then later using one of their Beretta pistols to shoot and kill Mot, avenging her husband.  (SG1: "Prophecy")

Natania relocated to P3X-367 alongside the rest of her village, clearing the way for Stargate Command to use heavy machinery to extract whatever remained in the mostly depleted naquadah mines on her homeworld. Natania welcomed the relocation, particularly when she learned of how lush and verdant their new home was, and had experienced how welcoming the locals were. Many of the P3X-367 locals had been killed by Nirrti either as part of or in preparation for her experimentations, so their streets had been uncomfortably empty, something the new arrivals addressed to everyone's mutual satisfaction. Natania in particular made herself useful to her new village, learning about the local flora and becoming something of a local herbalist and healer.

After P4S-237 was visited by a Prior, Natania was one of those staunchly opposed to even entertaining thoughts of worshipping false gods again, and was an advocate for contacting the Tau'ri for their advice. Stargate Command warned that the Ori were a jealous lot, and that if they refused the Prior's advances there was a real danger that the village would be subjected to a plague, an invasion, or worse. Rather than risk such repercussions, the SGC offered to help P3X-367 evacuate, offering them temporary sanctuary at the Beta Site until it became safe for them to return, or until an alternative refuge could be found.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Natania was portrayed by Sarah Edmondson in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1.
