Carl Grogan

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Carl Grogan

Captain, United States Air Force

Name(s): Carl Grogan
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Captain
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Air Force
Stargate Command (SG-9, Beta Site)

Portrayed by: David Kopp

Captain Carl Grogan is the current chief of security at the Beta Site.


Lieutenant Carl Grogan was one of the first Cadets to be selected for service at Stargate Command immediately upon graduation from the Air Force Academy. Along with Kevin Elliot, Elizabeth Satterfield, and Jennifer Hailey, he unknowingly participated in a staged foothold situation at Stargate Command, intended to test the Lieutenants' reactions in a crisis. Upon completion of his training, he was selected to join SG-9, a unit commonly involved with missions of a diplomatic nature - something Grogan proved himself particularly adept at. During training, he had earned a reputation for being shot; during SG-9's mission to Latona, he seemed to have subverted that trend, and was the only member of his team to survive the arrival of Jaffa loyal to Svarog.  (SG1: "Proving Ground", "The Sentinel")

Grogan remained with SG-9 when the unit was reconstituted. After the Battle of Dakara, SG-9 was deployed alongside Major Paul Davis to assist the Free Jaffa Nation in establishing a functional government and establishing the framework for democratic elections.  (SG1: "Avalon")

When the Ori Crusade began, the arrival of Priors in the Milky Way began to drive Humans and Jaffa from their homes, many of them seeking refuge with the Tau'ri at the Beta Site. Due to both his combat experience and his flair for deplomacy, Grogan was promoted to Captain and placed in charge of an increased security presence at the Beta Site, under the command of Colonel Louis Ferretti. Grogan deployed offworld to assist in many refugee efforts, including the evacuation of P3X-367.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Carl Grogan was portrayed by David Kopp in 2 episodes of Stargate SG-1.
