Jennifer Hailey

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Jennifer Hailey

Captain, United States Air Force

Name(s): Elizabeth Satterfield
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Captain
Gender: Female (she/her)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Air Force
Stargate Command (Area 51)

Portrayed by: Elisabeth Rosen

Captain Jennifer Hailey is a member of the United States Air Force, currently stationed at Area 51.


Cadet Hailey first came to the attention of the Stargate Program when Major Samantha Carter visited the Air Force Academy as a guest lecturer. During a complex lecture on Theoretical Astrophysics, Hailey spotted an error in Carter's calculations, demonstrating her keen mind and mathematical prowess, but Carter soon learned the Cadet suffered from disciplinary issues and wasn't finding the program taxing enough to hold her attention and effort. When those issues deteriorated into a violent altercation with a fellow Cadet, Carter convinced the Academy Commandant, General Michael Kerrigan, not to expel Hailey, and instead allow Carter to read the Cadet in on her classified work, in the hopes that it would convince Hailey to see something worth aspiring to on the other side of graduation.  (SG1: "Prodigy")

With General Hammond's permission, Cadet Hailey accompanied SG-1 on a routine mission to M4C-862, relieving SG-2 from their supervision of a science team there. During the visit, SG-1 and the science team were attacked by energy beings, and Hailey's desire to always be right was directly challenged by the reality of being on a mission and lives being in danger. The team ultimately returned safely to Earth, and Cadet Hailey returned to the Academy with a renewed work ethic.  (SG1: "Prodigy")

Upon her graduation, Hailey became one of the first candidates for a new training program, taking new graduates from the Air Force Academy and running them through a series of training and proving exercises. Those who passed would be added to the waiting list for offworld team assignments; those who did not would be assigned elsewhere in the Stargate Program. Having passed herself, Hailey ran through the program a second time, as part of a team with Lieutenants Kevin Elliot, Carl Grogan, and Elizabeth Satterfield, acting as an inside man on behalf of the training officers, to help sell the realism of a faked foothold situation at Stargate Command. All the recruits went on to be assigned to active teams: Elliot to SG-17, Grogan to SG-9, Satterfield to SG-7, and Hailey to SG-16 under Major Albert Reynolds.  (SG1: "Proving Ground")

Hailey later left Stargate Command, transferring to Area 51. She became involved with the research of the Antarctic Outpost and the Ancient weapons platform there, and was heavily involved in the development of the Mark II Naquadah Generator: an Earth-made power source designed to power the chair in the absense of a Zero Point Module. The prototype was delivered to Atlantis to help stave off a Wraith attack, and Cadman had hoped to visit the Pegasus Galaxy as well, but by the time the opportunity to join the Atlantis Expedition arose, Colonel Carter had taken command of research and development at Area 51, and Hailey chose the opportunity to work with her mentor over the prospect of visiting Atlantis. When Carter eventually returned to SG-1, Hailey somewhat stepped into her shoes, not officially in charge of R&D but undeniably one of its brightest minds.  (SG1: "Avalon, Part 1", "Beachhead"; ATL: "The Siege, Part 2", "The Intruder")

Following the Battle of P3Y-229, a research team from the Alpha Site began developing a Naquadria-powered enhancement to the shields of Earth's BC-304s. After hitting several dead ends, Colonel Erin Gant brought Hailey along to the Beta Site to lend her Naquadah generator expertise to the project.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Jennifer Hailey was portrayed by Elisabeth Rosen in 2 episodes of Stargate SG-1. She has also appeared in The West Wing, Caprica, and The Tomorrow People.
