Jake Bosworth

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Jake Bosworth

Staff Sergeant, United States Air Force

Name(s): Jake Bosworth
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Staff Sergeant
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Air Force
Stargate Command (SG-13)

Portrayed by: Christopher Pearce

Sergeant Jake Bosworth is a member of the United States Air Force, and of SG-13.


As a Senior Airman, Jake Bosworth was one of the initial members of SG-13 under Colonel David Dixon. Despite his relatively junior rank, Bosworth had a relaxed and comfortable attitude towards his commander and teammates, with a reputation for wisecracks that had become an accepted norm for SG-13. During a mission to P3X-666, Bosworth shrewdly predicted the abundance of trees on the planet, though Dixon disqualified him from the team's usual bet for "being a smartass". Despite his levity, Bosworth was a consumate professional when required to be, and Dixon would often find himself grateful for Bosworth's presence more often than he would care to admit.  (SG1: "Heroes, Part 1")

During the P3X-666 mission, Bosworth's teammate Simon Wells was struck by staff weapon fire, and required medical treatment and evac. Bosworth was left to guard Daniel Jackson and Janet Fraiser while they performed emergency first aid on Wells; despite Bosworth's efforts to protect them, he was unable to prevent the death of Doctor Fraiser. While Bosworth does not outwardly show it, this failure is a persistant buried source of grief and regret for him, and his humour is both a defense mechanism and an act of atonement, seeking to salve the negative emotions in others that he cannot dislodge in himself.  (SG1: "Heroes, Part 2")

While Airman Wells recovered from his injuries, SG-13 was temporarily inactivated, and its members reassigned to other teams. Archaeologist Cameron Balinsky was transferred to the newly-formed SG-22, while Bosworth joined SG-3, present during Colonel Samantha Carter's first mission in command of SG-1, as well as during SG-3's involvement in the Pegasus Expedition led by General George Hammond aboard Prometheus. While the expedition never made it to Pegasus — something Bosworth very much laments — he remained with SG-3 until shortly after The Trust's attempt to incite a nuclear war between the United States and Russia, at which time SG-13 was reestablished with Elizabeth Satterfield and Russian officer Natalia Tolinev as new members — the latter an attempt to foster a more positive relationship with the Russians.  (SG1: "Zero Hour", "Prometheus Unbound", "Full Alert"; SGR: "The Arrow")

By the Ori Crusade, Bosworth had been promoted to Staff Sergeant, and remained an integral part of SG-13. He was present during the evacuation of P3X-367, guarding the Stargate while his teammates and various other officers and airmen from the Beta Site escorted the refugees to safety.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

In an alternate timeline created by SG-1's use of the Time Jumper to retrieve a ZPM from the past, Bosworth was selected to join Colonel O'Neill's team on the mission to Chulak.  (SG1: "Moebius, Part 2")

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Behind the Scenes

Jake Bosworth was portrayed by Christopher Pearce in 4 episodes of Stargate SG-1. He also portrayed Lt. Williams, an ill-fated member of the Atlantis Expedition in Stargate Atlantis.

Strictly speaking, Bosworth is not a member of SG-3 during "Zero Hour". However, Colonel Reynolds only addresses two members of the team — Bosco and Peterson — leaving a convenient gap for Bosworth that helps make his timeline more consistent.
