Zenna Valk

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Zenna Valk

Doctor of Archaeology

Name(s): Zenna Valk
Species: Human
Homeworld: Pangar

Rank(s): Doctor
Gender: Female (she/her)
Affiliation: Pangarans

Portrayed by: Allison Hossack

Doctor Zenna Valk is an archaeologist from Pangar.


When SG-1 first arrived on Pangar, Zenna Valk had been tasked by the Pangaran government to study the ancient ruins surrounding the Stargate. She identified the palace of Shak'ran, the Goa'uld who had once ruled Pangar in defiance of Ra three hundred years prior, who had been defeated and had his legacy buried beneath a newer temple venerating Ra - alongside his Queen, Egeria, the matriarch of the Tok'ra. Egeria had been found sealed within a canopic jar, and was experimented upon by Pangaran scientists to develop their miracle drug Tretonin. Zenna Valk would go on to expose these facts about Tretonin to the Tau'ri and the Tok'ra, actions that ultimately led to the discovery of a deliberate flaw within Tretonin that the Tok'ra were able to detect and compensate, removing the problematic side effects of its use.  (SG1: "Cure")

Following the Ambush at Kresh'ta, both Teal'c and Bra'tac were forced to resort to Tretonin after the loss of their prim'ta and due to the scarcity of a replacement. It was the Tok'ra that initially provided the drug for their use, but when the Jaffa rebellion began to expand into the Free Jaffa Nation, a need for Tretonin to be produced on an industrial scale began to present itself, a need that the Tok'ra themselves could not satisfy. On the Jaffa's behalf, the Tau'ri approached the Pangarans, offering them an opportunity to redeem themselves after their inadvertant slight against the Tok'ra - by unnkowingly experimenting upon their Queen and her offspring - by taking up her fight and helping to liberate the Jaffa physiologically from the Goa'uld. The Pangarans agreed, in exchange for compensation in the form of resources and technology from both Earth and the Jaffa, with Zenna Valk - the woman whose actions had ultimately led to all of this - nominated as a de facto Ambassador for her people; though in her own opinion, it was merely a way to politely exile her from the planet for a while.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

Zenna spent most of her offworld time at the Beta Site, coordinating with Pangar to have shipments of Tretonin delivered there, for onwards distribution to Jaffa refugees and other Jaffa worlds. While she considered it an act of atonement, having benefit from Tretonin as much as anyone else on her world, she found herself growing restless being torn away from her studies for so long, and whenever an opportunity presented she would volunteer to "help" the Tau'ri of the Beta Site with anything she could justifiably link to her skills and knowledge. When the Beta Site began to coordinate with SG-13 in preparation for the evacuation of P3X-367, Captain Elizabeth Satterfield expressed a desire and need to study the writings within the Ancient Outpost there for any clues that might benefit the fight against the Ori; Zenna, along with the Tok'ra Korra, volunteered to assist in making that research progress as swiftly as possible.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Zenna Valk was portrayed by Allison Hossack in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1. She also portrayed Perna in "Poisoning the Well", also a story about a problematic cure.
