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Alpha Unas

Name(s): Chaka
Species: Unas
Homeworld: P3X-888

Rank(s): Alpha
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: Unas of P3X-888

Portrayed by: Dion Johnstone  (2 episodes)
Patrick Currie  (1 episode)

Chaka is an Alpha Unas native to P3X-888.


Chaka was first encountered by Stargate Command on P3X-888, believed to be the evolutionary homeworld of both the Unas and the Goa'uld. With the assistance of Daniel Jackson, whom he had abducted, he overthrew the Alpha of his tribe, allowing a tentative peace to form between those Unas and the SGC. He was later captured by slavers, and freed by his friends from SG-1; he led an uprising among his fellow Unas, and again demonstrated a willingness toward peaceful coexistence with Humans. That willingness saw him recruited by SG-1 to help broker a treaty with the Unas of P3X-403, in the hopes of gaining access to their Naquadah.  (SG1: "The First Ones", "Beast of Burden", "Enemy Mine")

Much of the P3X-403 Naquadah was delivered to the Beta Site, contributing towards the construction of Earth's fleet of BC-304 Battlecruisers. Chaka was frequently present at the Tau'ri outpost, fostering cooperation between the SGC and the various Unas communities he knew. While not recognised in any formal capacity, he was considered by many to be the Unas' de facto ambassador and representative, and seemed to have a unique ability and desire to see the Unas of different worlds working together despite their tribal nature.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Chaka was portrayed by Dion Johnstone in 2 episodes of Stargate SG-1, and by Patrick Currie in "Enemy Mine". Both actors have many other Stargate roles, often under prosthetics.
