Mako Razor

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Mako Razor

Gunnery Sergeant, United States Marine Corps

Name(s): Makoto Razor  (Mako)
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Gunnery Sergeant
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Marine Corps
Stargate Command (SG-3, Beta Site)

Portrayed by: Oliver Svensson-Tan

Sergeant Mako Razor is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and of Stargate Command, currently stationed at the Beta Site.


Razor was one of the early members of SG-3, under the command of Colonel Robert Makepeace. He was part of the mission to rescue SG-1 from the forces of Hathor, and was briefly captured while defending the Stargate, until the arrival of General George Hammond and Teal'c in a Goa'uld "Needlethreader" Gateship. Razor has since had a fascination with the idea of vehicles capable of gate travel, particularly the Ancient Gateships recently discovered and acquired by the Atlantis Expedition.  (SG1: "Out of Mind", "Into the Fire"; SGR: "The Arrow")

After Colonel Makepeace was exposed as an NID collaborator, Razor remained with the team under Major Wade, and was present during an ill-fated mission to P3S-452 under the orders of General Henry Bauer, who had temporarily been appointed to Stargate Command.  (SG1: "Shades of Grey", "Chain Reaction")

Razor had left SG-3 by the time Colonel Albert Reynolds had been given command, with the team no longer regarded as an exclusively Marine unit. The Sergeant remained with the Stargate Program in a training capacity, however, providing instruction on Stargate operations to the Marines joining newer teams, offworld assignments, and Battlecruiser crews. He was considered for the Atlantis Expedition, but was considered "too loyal" to Stargate Command and their way of doing things by Colonel Marshall Sumner, and passed over in favour of Sergeant Bates.  (SG1: "Fallen"; ATL: "Rising, Part 1")

During the Ori Crusade, Razor was part of an increased military presence assigned to the Beta Site, safeguarding Earth's offworld Naquadah supply chain.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Razor was portrayed by Oliver Svensson-Tan in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1.

His surname is provided by dialogue; his first name is a reference to the M.A.C.O. "Marines" from Star Trek (introduced in Enterprise a few years before SGR takes place), and to Mako from The Legend of Korra — appropriate given the Tok'ra Korra — who is in turn named after actor Makoto Iwamatsu (usually credited as Mako), the voice actor of Iroh in Avatar: The Last Airbender, among other roles. Mako is also the common name for a genus of shark (as featured in Star Trek's M.A.C.O. logo), which befits Razor's personality.
