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Central Intelligence Agency

Name(s): Bates
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Sergeant  (former)
Field Agent
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Marine Corps  (formerly)
Atlantis Expedition  (formerly)
Central Intelligence Agency

Portrayed by: Dean Marshall

Agent Bates is a former member of the United States Marine Corps, now working with the Central Intelligence Agency.


Sergeant Bates was assigned to the Atlantis Expedition as a senior NCO under Colonel Marshall Sumner. Following the Colonel's death, he was made head of security under Major John Sheppard. Bates took his role seriously, though made very little effort to ingratiate himself with the other members of the Expedition, showing particular hostility towards outsiders like Teyla Emmagan. A military man through and through, Bates at times struggled with the Expedition's civilian leadership, deferring to Sheppard over Elizabeth Weir whenever the two disagreed.  (ATL: "Rising", "Suspicion", "Poisoning the Well", "Hot Zone")

When the Wraith launched an attack on Atlantis, Bates participated in the city's defense preparations, first as part of a Jumper crew while attempting to shoot down a Wraith Dart that was performing reconnaissance on the city, later working with his team to establish a Pegasus Alpha Site. He and his team evacuated back to Atlantis when the Alpha Site was attacked, and Bates was present when Teyla Emmagan fell under the influence of a Wraith that had beamed down to the city from the reconnaissance dart. He participated in the hunt for this errant Wraith, but was severely injured in the process, and was placed in a medically induced coma until he could be evacuated back to Earth.  (ATL: "The Brotherhood", "Letters from Pegasus", "The Gift", "The Siege, Part 1", "The Siege, Part 3")

Bates recovered, but by that stage the Atlantis Expedition had changed significantly, with the Lieutenants and Sergeants of Colonel Sumner's unit replaced with more senior Air Force officers like Major Evan Lorne. Bates' own conduct was also called into question, with the Sergeant even seen as a potential scapegoat by some. Rather than return to Atlantis in a reduced capacity, Bates accepted an honourable discharge, with his Wraith injuries cited as the cause. Shortly after, he was approached by Kerry Johnson of the CIA, who offered him a role on her Anti-Trust task force. While not necessarily within the scope of Bates' Pegasus expertise, it still allowed him to remain connected to the Stargate Program in some capacity.  (ATL: "The Intruder"; SGR: "The Arrow")

Eventually, Bates was recruited as a Special Agent by the IOA, as part of their expansion into a more proactive involvement in the Stargate Program.  (ATL: "Outcast")

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Behind the Scenes

Sergeant Bates is portrayed by Dean Marshall in 10 episodes of Stargate Atlantis.
