Luthor Dovelock

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Luthor Dovelock

International Oversight Advisory

Name(s): Luthor Dovelock
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Doctor
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: Canada
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
International Oversight Advisory

Portrayed by: Linden Banks

Luthor Dovelock is a Template:Canada member of the International Oversight Advisory.


Dovelock was a veteran of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), described as "the Canadian Richard Woolsey" by some of his peers, due to the latter's former involvement with the NID. Unlike Woolsey, however, Dovelock was not a lawyer, his background instead in diplomacy and foreign affairs. His choice was a deliberate one, intended by his government to urge the IOA into taking a more proactive approach to diplomatic relations and interstellar trade with the various offworld trading partners that Stargate Command had established ties with, to the sole benefit the United States.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

He was also outspoken in his opinion that the IOA needed to become more than merely a passive funding committee, championing the idea of a Field Operations Division to provide a global framework to address global threats. In recent years, not only had the Goa'uld infiltration of The Trust become a major concern, unsanctioned operations by the Free Jaffa, the Lucian Alliance, and even the Asgard had endangered both the lives of Tau'ri citizens, and the security and secrecy of the Stargate Program. While many of his peers — particularly the representatives from Russia and the United States — were reluctant to see their military and intelligence agencies lose their prominence in Stargate-based operations, Dovelock was both persistent and shrewd. It was his suggestion that, when the IOA was due to make a routine visit to the Beta Site, they request a security detail from the CIA rather than the SGC: a subtle reminder to some of the tragic events of the IOA's visit to the Gamma Site, but also an opportunity for his peers to be reminded that the military was not the only source of protection.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

Despite his machinations, Dovelock still understood and respected the value and experience of Stargate Command and the military, requesting SGC veteran Sergeant Connie Smith as an additional personal escort to the Beta Site.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

During Richard Woolsey's tour as leader of the Atlantis Expedition, an alien A.I. used Dovelock's identity to persuade Shen Xiaoyi into backing Woolsey's continued presence on Atlantis.  (ATL: "Remnants")

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Behind the Scenes

Luthor Dovelock is portrayed by Linden Banks in 1 episode of Stargate Atlantis. He also appeared in The X-Files, Jeremiah, Smallville, and Batwoman.

His nationality is never established, but with James Coolidge introduced a season earlier (and referenced in the episode) and Carl Strom introduced in Stargate Universe, it feels excessive for him to be yet another American. Since the actor is Canadian, and Canada is frequently mentioned in passing — warned about Stargate-related incidents, but rarely seen directly participating, save for their partnership in NORAD — it seems reasonable to make Dovelock a new Canadian member of the IOA. Everything else about his character is completely headcanon, but designed to show the evolution in the IOA in a more granular way than SG-1 and Atlantis were able to show, and with more nuance over the reason and rationale behind those changes.
