Kor Asek

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Kor Asek

Alpha Unas

Name(s): Kor Asek  ("Iron Shirt")
Species: Unas
Homeworld: P3X-403

Rank(s): Alpha
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: Unas of P3X-403

Portrayed by: Alex Zahara

Chaka is an Alpha Unas native to P3X-888.


Kor Asek - "Iron Shirt" in English - was the leader of the Unas population on P3X-403 during SG-11's mission to prospect the planet for Naquadah. Initially, SG-11 ran afoul of the Unas, inadvertantly trespassing upon sacred ground, but with the assistance of Daniel Jackson and the Unas Chaka from P3X-888, a trade agreement was reached.  (SG1: "Enemy Mine")

As per the agreement, Kor Asek and his people delivered Naquadah to the Beta Site, crossing paths with Unas from at least two other worlds. Kor Asek remained staunch and confrontational, but seemed more amused by the Tau'ri and other Humans at the Beta Site than anything else, and showed a willingness to cooperate with and assist Stargate Command even beyond the limits of their agreement.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Kor Asek was portrayed by Alex Zahara in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1. Zahara has played many other characters (often under prosthetics), including Xe'ls, Eggar, and Warrick Finn.
