Alex J. Anders

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Alex J. Anders

First Lieutenant, United States Air Force

Name(s): Alexander J. Anders  (Alex)
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): First Lieutenant
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Air Force
Stargate Command (Daedalus, Beta)

Portrayed by: Peter John Prinsloo

Lieutenant Alex J. Anders is a member of the United States Air Force, stationed at the Beta Site.


Anders was one of the F-302 pilots assigned to Dagger Squadron aboard the Daedalus. During the Battle of the Void, he flew alongside John Sheppard and Pat Meyers during an attack run to take out the hyperdrives on the Wraith Hives attempting to reach Earth.  (ATL: "Allies", "No Man's Land")

Impressed by his flying, Colonel Sheppard invited Anders to join the military detail on Atlantis. Anders accepted, and was treated with the ATA gene therapy with the intention of him becoming one of the Expedition's Jumper pilots. Unfortunately, with the therapy only proving around 47% effective, Anders was one of the patients for whom it had no effect. He continued to serve as part of the security detail, and even served as part of offworld teams on occasion, but gate travel had far less appeal to him than air travel, and when the Atlantis Expedition was sent back to the Milky Way after retrieving the crew of the Ancient ship Tria, Anders eagerly accepted an assignment to the Beta Site as part of Bravo Squadron.  (ATL: "The Return, Part 1"; SGR: "The Arrow")

During the development of new Naquadria enhancements to Tau'ri shield technology, Anders flew alongside Lieutenant Fischer and Captain Grogan, as well as a number of Jaffa volunteers, as part of a simulated attack run to test the efficacy of the new Battlecruiser augmentations.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

In an alternate timeline created by Ba'al, Alex was the Chief of Staff to President Henry Hayes.  (Continuum)

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Behind the Scenes

Lieutenant Anders was portrayed by Peter John Prinsloo in 1 episode of Stargate Atlantis. He also played a character named Alex in Stargate: Continuum; because of the alternate timelines involved, it seems easy and harmless to treat these as two versions of the same character, providing Anders with a first name in the process.
