Erin Gant

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Erin Gant

Lt. Colonel, United States Air Force

Name(s): Erin Gant
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Lieutenant Colonel
Gender: Female (she/her)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Air Force
Deep Space Command

Portrayed by: Ingrid Kavelaars

Colonel Erin Gant is a member of the United States Air Force, and a former member of the Prometheus crew.


While the X-303 was unofficially launched by operatives from the Rogue NID, and flew her first mission under SG-1, Major Erin Gant was brought aboard to serve on the official maiden voyage of Prometheus, as the navigator and second-in-command to Colonel William Ronson. She was chosen due to her familiarity with the X-303 design, having worked as part of the development team at Area 51. She was one of the officers that Ronson selected personally: he reasoned that if anything were to go wrong on the shakedown cruise, it would be most beneficial to him if the voice in his ear was someone with the best odds of telling him what exactly had broken.  (SG1: "Prometheus", "Unnatural Selection", "Memento"; SGR: "The Arrow")

Unfortunately, something did go wrong: despite numerous safety measures and scientist assurances, the Naquadria power source for the Prometheus hyperdrive proved too unstable, and after throwing Prometheus off-course it went into overload, and was ejected. This left the ship and crew stranded on Tagrea, a planet believed to have once had a Stargate, but with a culture unaware of its existence or location. With the assistance of SG-1, the Stargate was found and contact with Earth was reestablished, but the X-303 itself remained stranded. It was not until several months later that Stargate Command was able to acquire an Al'kesh, and several more weeks before Gant and her team were able to reverse-engineer its hyperdrive to function with the Prometheus systems in a limited capacity.  (SG1: "Memento", "Avenger 2.0", "Grace")

After Prometheus returned to Earth, command passed to Colonel Kirkland. The Al'kesh hyperdrive was removed, and the Prometheus was adapted for use primarily in orbital defense, with Gant once again overseeing the engineering work. When Anubis and his fleet launched an attack on Earth, Gant served as navigator again during the Battle of Antarctica.  (SG1: "Lost City, Part 2")

With the promotion of General George Hammond to the Office of Homeworld Security, Colonel Ronson was promoted to Brigadier General and put in charge of Deep Space Command, separating any direct responsibility for the construction and maintainance of the F-302 and BC-303 fleets. When the Asgard agreed to provide viable hyperdrive technology for Prometheus - in gratitude for Earth's continuing efforts to save the Asgard race from various perils - Major Gant was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and put in charge of developing a revised version of the BC-303 that incorporated Asgard technology directly, rather than having to integrate it after the fact. The result was the BC-304, for which Gant proposed the name Project Daedalus.  (SG1: "New Order, Part 2", "Covenant"; ATL: "The Siege, Part 2", "The Siege, Part 3")

When General Hammond planned to take Prometheus on the Pegasus Expedition - to reestablish contact with the Atlantis Expedition - Gant requested permission to serve as navigator once more, but was denied. Master Sergeant Walter Harriman served as navigator instead, while Doctor Lindsey Novak from Gant's hyperdrive team served as chief engineer.  (SG1: "Prometheus Unbound")

By the time of the Ori Crusade, three BC-304s had been successfully launched, with two more under construction; though the Korolev had been destroyed, the Odyssey badly damaged, and none of them had proven particularly effective against the Ori fleet. Gant was sent to PB3-865 - construction site of the Odyssey and her sister ship - to lend her expertise to a research team attempting to develop a new Naquadria-powered upgrade for the 304's Asgard-designed shields. Gant was also discussed as a candidate to command said Battlecruiser - after previous candidate Ian Davidson was reassigned to replace the killed in action Paul Emerson - but she was deemed too junior in rank to be seen as a viable option, particularly given the requirement for IOA approval on such an appointment. She was present at the Beta Site when the outpost was attacked by the Ori.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Erin Gant was portrayed by Ingrid Kavelaars in 3 episodes of Stargate SG-1.
