Lindsey Novak

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Lindsey Novak

Civilian, Stargate Command

Name(s): Lindsey Novak
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Gender: Female (she/her)
Affiliation: United States of America
NASA (Project Prometheus)  (formerly)
Stargate Command (Daedalus)

Portrayed by: Ellie Harvie

Doctor Lindsey Novak is an engineer employed by Stargate Command, usually serving aboard the Daedalus.


Doctor Novak was one of a number of NASA scientists recruited for Project Prometheus. Officially, it was a research and development project investigating nuclear-powered propulsion for long-duration space missions. Unofficially, it was a cover story for the X-303, a public-facing initiative to disguise any military contracts relating to the development of Earth's first Battlecruiser. Doctor Lindsey was (appropriately) a nuclear scientist, but rather than ion engines for space probes, her expertise was focused instead on the Naquadah and Naquadria power systems being employed aboard the X-303. Due to her anxious disposition, Novak was not present during the X-303's maiden voyage, and holds herself partially responsible for the crew of Prometheus becoming stranded on Tagrea when the Naquadria hyperdrive failed. However, she was also responsible for the integration of an Al'kesh hyperdrive into the ship, allowing her and her crew to return home, months later.  (SG1: "Prometheus", "Memento", "Grace")

When Supreme Commander Thor agreed to provide the Tau'ri with Asgard hyperdrive technology, Doctor Novak oversaw the installation, working with an Asgard scientist named Hermiod. With the drive technology new but somewhat unproven, Novak was asked to accompany an Expedition to the Pegasus Galaxy under the command of General George Hammond, to attempt to restore contact with the Atlantis Expedition. While that voyage to Pegasus was unsuccessful, Novak — accompanied by Hermiod — was also aboard the more successful maiden voyage of the Daedalus, overseeing the integration of a Zero Point Module into the ship's systems.  (SG1: "Covenant", "Prometheus Unbound"; ATL: "The Siege, Part 3")

Novak remained on Earth when the Daedalus delivered a second wave of personnel to Atlantis, her experiences helping to refine the development of the next wave of BC-304s. She was soon invited to rejoin the crew of the Daedalus on a more permenant basis, however, in part because of her relatively amicable working relationship with Hermiod, who had also remained aboard.  (ATL: "The Intruder", "Critical Mass")

After the Battle of P3Y-229, Novak's assistance was requested on a shield augmentation project, due to her familiarity with the X-303's original Naquadria hyperdrive. She was quickly reunited with Hermiod, who had been sent by the Asgard High Council to "babysit" Kvasir, and make sure he did not share more information or technology with the Tau'ri than he was authorised to.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Lindsey Novak was portrayed by Ellie Harvey in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1 and 2 episodes of Stargate Atlantis.
