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People of P9C-882

Name(s): Rophiapgisy  (Rophi)
Kyle Rogers  ("Earth Name")
Species: Human
Homeworld: P9C-882

Rank(s): Captain  (unofficial)
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: Apophis (SG-X)  (former)
Stargate Command

Portrayed by: Aaron Craven

Rophiapgisy is a Human from P9C-882, who was trained by Apophis as part of SG-X.


Some time before his death, Apophis' Jaffa forces began to dwindle, and he turned to human slaves as alternative warriors. Rather than train them in the same strategies and tactics as the Jaffa, however, he turned his attention to revenge against the Tau'ri. Capturing SG-11, he forced them to use their knowledge to train his human soldiers to be able to effectively pass as members of the Tau'ri, so they might infiltrate Stargate Command and either destroy it from the inside, or open the doors for him to invade and conquer Earth for himself.  (SG1: "Rules of Engagement")

Apophis died at the hands of Sokar before his plans could be completed (although he got better, briefly) but the training of the unit that Apophis dubbed SG-X continued under the leadership of two Humans in particular: Captain Kyle Rogers, the "Earth name" of Rophiapgisy; and Captain Nelson, the Earth name of No'var. When SG-1 encountered the training encampment, they were able to briefly pass as Apophis' First Prime and his advisors, though in doing so they triggered events that led the trainees to believe that the final too-the-death battle had been initiated. After bringing Rophiapgisy to Earth, treating his wounds, and showing him video footage of the last moments of Apophis' life, they were able to convince him of the truth, and to help extend that belief to the rest of SG-X.  (SG1: "Serpent Song", "Rules of Engagement")

Rogers' men were ordered to disband, and Rophi returned to his home, but found his people still living under the rule of a Goa'uld. This didn't sit right with him, but his new beliefs were considered heretical by the other members of his village, including his brother Matar. Eventually he left, in search of either allies from SG-X, or better yet a means of contacting the real Stargate Command, so that they might liberate his planet. He eventually succeeded, but P9C-882's liberation was short-lived, with the planet targetted by the Ori a few short years after it became free. While Rophi was long gone by this point, his brother recalled Rophi's assurances that the Tau'ri would help them, and reluctantly agreed to allow Samantha Carter to attempt to use Arthur's Mantle to shield the planet from the Ori attack.  (SG1: "Line in the Sand"; SGR: "The Arrow")

Rophi meanwhile found his way to the Beta Site. Once it was understood who he was, Rophi was allowed to volunteer in a limited capacity, helping with logistics and security, and serving as an intermediary between the SGC personnel and the refugees settled under the base's protection. In particular, his experiences with SG-X made him well-suited to helping Jaffa and offworld Humans come to an understanding of Tau'ri tactics and protocols, allowing other volunteers to better integrate with day-to-day operations. Rophi was given the opportunity to assist with some offworld activities as well; in this capacity he aided Captain Carl Grogan and SG-13 in their evacuation of P3X-367.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Rophiapgisy was portrayed by Aaron Craven in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1. He also portrayed Matar in "Line in the Sand", who is headcanoned here as Rophi's brother.
