Ren Yamato

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Ren Yamato

Corporal, Japan Self-Defense Forces

Name(s): Ren Yamato
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Corporal
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: Japan
Japan Self-Defense Forces
Atlantis Expedition  (formerly)

Portrayed by: Phoenix Ly

Corporal Ren Yamato is a member of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, and was until recently part of the Atlantis Expedition.


Yamato was one of a handful of international servicemen who were incorporated into the military detail of the Atlantis Expedition under Colonel Marshall Sumner. Despite the international nature of the Expedition, Colonel Sumner was reluctant to have political gestures disrupt the hierarchy of his Marines. Thus, most of the non-USMC soldiers were Sergeants and Corporals rather than officers, able to integrate with his company without challenging the military hierarchy, many of them drawn from the international security detail that was established at the Antarctic Outpost after the Battle of Antarctica.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

After Colonel Sumner's death, military command of the expedition passed to Major John Sheppard, who had no qualms about integrating international personnel into his operations. Yamato was assigned to Atlantis' security detail, as well as to Sergeant Bates' offworld team.  (ATL: "Suspicion")

When the Daedalus encountered the crew of the Ancient ship Tria, Yamato returned to Earth with the rest of the Atlantis Expedition. During a routine visit to the Beta Site, he was assigned to escort Miko Kusanagi, another former Expedition member being vetted as the new Japanese representative on the IOA.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Yamato was portrayed by Phoenix Ly in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1. Although Ly is Vietnamese, and has played American characters previously on Stargate, Yamato wears a Japanese flag on his uniform.
