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Name(s): Malakai
Species: Human
Homeworld: Hebridan

Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: Hebridians (Sebrus)
Tech Con Group  (formerly)

Portrayed by: Robin Mossley

Malakai is an archaeologist from Hebridan, who is currently part of the crew of the Sebrus.


The Daniel Jackson of Hebridan in some ways, Malakai was an archaeologist who became fascinated by the concept of ancient aliens. While the Humans of Hebridan had been aware of the Serrakin and Goa'uld for generations, ruins of advanced technologies discovered in the Parallel Colonies seemed to belong to a much more Ancient civilization. Having recently lost his wife to a congenital heart disorder, Malakai threw himself entirely into his new fixation; his search for more examples of Ancient technology led him to P4X-639, where he discovered a device that — based on his translations of text in the ruins — could harness the geomagnetic storms present on the planet to manipulate the flow of time. Seeing an opportunity to potentially travel back and see his wife once more, Malakai began to study the ruins, but was interrupted by the arrival of SG-1 from Earth. Rushing out of fear that his efforts would be thwarted, Malakai inadvertently created a temporal loop that connected via the Stargate to thirteen neighbouring worlds. Aware of the loop thanks to the effects of the machine, Malakai worked tirelessly trying to undo the loop and make the machine function correctly; but through the efforts of Jack O'Neill and Teal'c, trapped in the loop themselves, it became apparent that the device could not function correctly, and never had. Grudgingly convinced to shut the device down, Malakai returned to Hebridan, and his grief.  (SG1: "Window of Opportunity"; SGR: "The Arrow")

Malakai had adopted a low-paying job as a teacher, resigned to a life of monotony, when the news that Samantha Carter of SG-1 would be participating in the Loop of Kon Garat, while the rest of her team met with political and corporate leaders on Hebridan. While Malakai was unable — and unwilling — to visit Hebridan and reunite with SG-1 during their visit, he was eventually able to secure a meeting with Miles Hagan, the President of Tech Con Group, and present himself as a subject matter expert in all things Ancient. In exchange for a Serrakin ion drive to study, the Tau'ri had agreed to assist Hebridan in relocating a Stargate to their world; Malakai was hired as a consultant on Tech Con Group's behalf, helping the corporation to prepare for the best ways to exploit their new interstellar opportunities.  (SG1: "Space Race"; SGR: "The Arrow")

Hebridan's new Stargate proved to be it's undoing. At first, Hebridan thrived, establishing offworld trade with worlds like Cimmeria, Pangar, and P3X-797, far beyond the Parallel, Mining, and Prison Colonies. Hebridan had also entered talks with the Free Jaffa Nation, hoping to open trade opportunities with worlds like Chulak and Dakara. But in addition to opportunity, the Stargate also brought with it a Prior of the Ori, who attempted to convert the planet to the religion of Origin. The Hebridians were disinterested for the most part, although certain elements within the Hebridian corpocracy found the promise of power tempting. Hebridan was either too firm or not firm enough in its rebuttals of the Prior; various reprisals, including an outbreak of the Prior Plague and of R-75 began to sweep through the outer colonies — and then the Battle of P3Y-229 occurred. With Ori Motherships leading the conquest of worlds like Chulak, panic swept through Hebridan. Many in the government and in Tech Con Group considered Hebridan to be too advanced and well-defended to fall to the Ori; shrewder individuals like Malakai, or Captain Warrick Finn of the Sebrus, focused their efforts on evacuating as many people as they could.  (SG1: "Flesh and Blood"; SGR: "The Arrow")

It was during one such evacuation run that Hebridan was attacked, all communications from the planet going dark, and the Hebridan system becoming completely unsafe to all but the fastest and most covert vessels. Volunteering as part of the Sebrus crew, Malakai continued to assist in trying to smuggle as many survivors as they could, off Hebridan and to safer worlds without being detected, but with Tech Con Group and all its assets having been seized by Origin forces, the blockade around Hebridan grew more impenetrable with every passing day.  (SG1: "Counterstrike"; SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Malakai was portrayed by Robin Mossley in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1. He also portrayed Doctor Reimer in "Morpheus".

His planet of origin is never established, but his technology and attire suggest an advanced world. While his tech and fashion does not necessarily match that seen in "Forsaken" and "Space Race" exactly, there are some similarities, and it adds a little extra nuance to the under-seen Hebridians. In particular, Malakai's aesthetic seems to line up with the (grey-toned) ships being flown by Humans from Hebridan, which are distinctly different from the (green-toned) Sebrus and other presumably more Serrakin style technologies.
