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Norse Messenger of the Gods

Name(s): Hermiod
Species: Asgard
Homeworld: Othala (former)
Orilla  (current)

Rank(s): Commander
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: Asgard (Asgard Fleet)

Portrayed by: Trevor Devall  (voice)

Commander Hermiod is a member of the Asgard, and frequently serves aboard the Daedalus.


After the Tau'ri's involvement in saving Orilla from the ongoing Replicator threat, it was decided - based on a half-serious request from Jack O'Neill - that the Asgard would provide "Asgard-designed" hyperdrive technology for use aboard Prometheus and its successor ships. While the technology would not initially be capable of the same speeds as the hyperdrives aboard the Asgard Fleet, it was carefully designed so that it could and would scale with Earth's own technological advancement. As Tau'ri power generation improved, so too would the potential speed of its hyperdrives. This was demonstrated to great practical effect when the Daedalus used a ZPM as a temporary power source, boosting its rate of hyperspace travel by around 400%.  (SG1: "New Order, Part 2", "Covenant"; ATL: "The Siege, Part 3")

While the Asgard actively installed their new hyperspace technology aboard Prometheus, the High Council also agreed to assist the Tau'ri in designing a new Battlecruiser - the BC-304 - to integrate the technology directly. Hermiod was assigned to represent the Asgard in this endeavour: while several other prominent Asgard had expressed an interest in filling this role, including Heimdall, Kvasir, and Supreme Commander Thor himself, the High Council decided that Hermiod, outspoken in his opposition to such sharing of technology, would be the best candidate to restrain how much was shared. In this capacity as a "technical advisor", Hermiod agreed to accompany the Daedalus on its first intergalactic voyage, monitoring the Asgard-designed systems to ensure that they would not adversely interact with the ZPM power source. During the voyage and the subsequent battles with the Wraith, Hermiod was encouraged to help weaponise the Daedalus's Asgard Beams as a warhead delivery system, circumventing security features that had been put in place to prevent exactly that.  (ATL: "The Siege, Part 3")

After the first voyage, Hermiod agreed to remain aboard the Daedalus for several more missions between the Milky Way and Pegasus Galaxy, and while it might have frustrated him immensely to be considered that way, quickly became seen as a vital and integral part of the crew. He was instrumental in saving the ship and members of the Atlantis Expedition on numerous occasions, even to the extent of adapting Asgard beaming technology to remove a Goa'uld that had implanted itself in Colonel Steven Caldwell. He frequently found himself at odds with Colonel Caldwell, however, and was often frustrated by the Colonel's reluctance to heed his advice - although doing so often worked out in the Tau'ri's favour, eventually.  (ATL: "The Intruder", "Conversion", "Critical Mass", "Inferno", "Allies", "No Man's Land", "Misbegotten")

When the Atlantis Expedition was dismissed from Atlantis by the returning crew of the Ancient Battleship Tria, Hermiod's attention was briefly refocused on the conflict with the Ori, rather than the conflict with the Wraith. At the behest of the High Council, he and Kvasir were permitted to "assist" the Tau'ri in developing an enhancement to their shields, though were quite explicit on the limitations of that assistance. It was the Tau'ri's suspicion that, given Kvasir's inherently more helpful nature, Hermiod may have been sent along to ensure that the High Council's limitations were properly observed.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

After the return of the Atlantis Expedition to the Pegasus Galaxy, he consulted with Rodney McKay and Jeannie Miller on their matter bridge project. During his brush with near-ascension, McKay provided Hermiod with instructions on how to increase Daedalus' shield output, almost certainly to Hermiod's significant annoyance.  (ATL: "McKay and Mrs. Miller", "Tao of Rodney")

Presumably, Hermiod was present with the rest of the Asgard on Orilla when they destroyed their civilization to prevent their legacy falling into Ori hands.  (SG1: "Unending")


In the Norse mythology of Scandinavia, Hermóðr (Hermod) is the messenger of the Gods, and one of the sons of Odin. Following the death of his brother Baldr, he rides the eight-legged horse Sleipnir to Hel, offering a ransom in exchange for Baldr's soul. It is fitting that the herald of the Æsir is their de facto ambassador aboard the Daedalus. Etymologically, there may be a connection between Hermod and Hermes in Greek mythology: both are messengers, and Hermes also had the ability to visit the underworld, often functioning as a psychopomp to guide souls to the afterlife — although this role is filled by the Valkyries in Norse mythology.

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Behind the Scenes

Hermiod was voiced by Trevor Devall in 7 episodes of Stargate Atlantis. He also provided the voice of Kvasir, and voices Emperor Palpatine and Admiral Ackbar for Lego Star Wars among many other roles.
