Francis Maynard

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Francis Maynard

General, United States Army

Name(s): Francis Maynard
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): General (4★)
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Army
Joint Chiefs of Staff
National Security Council

Portrayed by: James McDaniel

General Francis Maynard is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President Henry Hayes.


Francis Maynard is a four-star General in the United States Army. He was appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs on 1st October 2003, and is expected to hold that position until 30th September 2007.

When President Henry Hayes took office on 20th January 2005, General Maynard was responsible for briefing him on the existance of the Stargate Program. He was a strong advocate of Stargate Command and its officers, particularly versus the machinations of Vice President Robert Kinsey, and played a part in exposing Kinsey's involvement with The Trust. During Anubis' attack on Earth and the ensuing Battle of Antarctica, he served as an advisor to the President alongside General George Hammond.  (SG1: "Inauguration", "Lost City, Part 2")

Following the retirement of George Hammond and the promotion of Jonathan J. O'Neill to the Office of Homeworld Security, Maynard functioned as an intermediary between General O'Neill and the Joint Chiefs, allowing O'Neill to avoid any unnecessary interactions with the Joint Chiefs, the President, and the National Security Council. Maynard seemed to consider this a favour, but O'Neill suspected that the General was just keen to remain in the loop. He was one of several senior officers who attended briefings at the Office of Homeworld Security, receiving status updates on the Ori Crusade.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Francis Maynard was portrayed by James McDaniel in 2 episodes of Stargate SG-1. He is the only explicit member of the United States Army to have appeared in Stargate so far.
