Dominic Reed

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Nick Reed

First Lieutenant, United States Air Force

Name(s): Dominic Reed  (Nick)
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): First Lieutenant
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Air Force
Atlantis Expedition (formerly)
Stargate Command (Beta Site)

Portrayed by: Dan Payne

Lieutenant Nick Reed is a member of the United States Air Force, stationed at the Beta Site.


Reed was one of the new members of the Atlantis Expedition who arrived aboard the Daedalus on its second voyage to the Pegasus Galaxy. He was selected to join the offworld team led by Major Evan Lorne, part of the transition away from the Expedition's reliance on Marine Corps personnel during the first year of its operation. Both Colonel John Sheppard and Major Lorne were keen to see more integration between the military personnel of different nations: Reed frequently worked alongside teammates like Coughlin, Walker, Parker, and Billick, all of whom had been part of the initial Expedition; and newer arrivals like Sherman and Stevens, as well as Lieutenant Suzannah Lindsay, an anthropologist towards whom Reed developed an almost fraternal protectiveness.  (ATL: "The Intruder", "Runner", "Conversion", "Coup d'Etat")

Lorne's team was flexible by design: sometimes a typical four-man offworld team, sometimes a larger unit deployed via Puddle Jumper. The rotating membership meant that at times Reed was required to sit out on certain missions. While he was part of the mission to P3M-736 that resulted in encounters with Aiden Ford and Ronon Dex, he wasn't part of the mission where Lorne's team attempted to retrieve Iratus Bug embryos as part of a cure for a mutating Colonel Sheppard — a mission on which Stevens and Walker both died — or the mission to M1K-177 where the team was captured and their deaths faked by the Genii. Reed found such situations difficult to cope with, feeling a sense of powerlessness at having not been able to aid his team, becoming increasingly protective thereafter.  (ATL: "Runner", "Conversion", "Coup d'Etat")

After the Atlantis Expedition was forced to return to the Milky Way by the crew of the Ancient ship Tria, Reed was reassigned to the Beta Site, joining the security detail under Captain Carl Grogan.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Lieutenant Reed was portrayed by Dan Payne in 1 episode of Stargate Atlantis. He is a frequent stunt performer on Stargate, having portrayed several Jaffa and Wraith, as well as Staff Sergeant Allan in "Fragile Balance" and the Ashrak that attacked the Alpha Site in "Allegiance". Perhaps most notably, he is often the performer inside the Kull Warrior costume, meaning that he technically was the first actor to portray Vala Mal Doran, in "Prometheus Unbound". He portrayed the deceased Dollar Bill in Watchmen; the human form of King Shark on The Flash, and Obsidian on Legends of Tomorrow; Major Douglas in Primeval: New World; and has appeared on Smallville, Supernatural, and Sanctuary. He also played an alien Enterprise crewmember named Wadjet in Star Trek Beyond; interestingly, Wadjet is the name of a winged serpent goddess from Ancient Egypt.

His first name is never provided on screen; Dominic is a reference to Dominic Keating, who portrayed Lieutenant Malcolm Reed on Star Trek: Enterprise.
