Dale James

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Dale James

Technical Sergeant, United States Air Force

Name(s): Dale James
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Technical Sergeant
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Air Force
Stargate Command (Beta Site)

Portrayed by: Tobias Slezak

Sergeant Dale James is a member of the United States Air Force, stationed at the Beta Site.


Dale James was granted security clearence for the Stargate Program by the outgoing President of the United States, to assist journalist and documentarian Emmett Bregman in his documentary on Stargate Command. James was assigned as Bregman's camera operator by the Air Force, a countermeasure to avoid a repeat of the Prometheus incident where the Rogue NID posed as the film crew for Julia Donovan in order to infiltrate and commandeer the X-303. Much of the initial filming was a dry sequence of talking heads interview pieces, but after SG-13 came under fire by Goa'uld forces on P3X-666, Bregman was able to leverage footage that had been recorded by Daniel Jackson, which inadvertently captured the death of Doctor Janet Fraiser. James was given an Editor credit on the finished documentary.  (SG1: "Heroes")

After the documentary was complete, Sergeant James approached General George Hammond, politely petitioning for a transfer to Stargate Command to do something - anything - to contribute to the Stargate Program and its conflict with the Goa'uld that he was now irrevocably aware of. How can I go back to a normal life knowing what I know? How can I live with having seen Doctor Fraiser give her life not just for her country, but for her world, and not at least ask for the opportunity to do the same? Hammond agreed to make a few equiries on the Sergeant's behalf, and James was able to secure a transfer first to Cheyenne Mountain, and then to an offworld posting at the Beta Site. While the logistics work that Sergeant James performs and oversees might not be in the same league as the world-saving exploits of other members of Stargate Command, he at least feels as if he is contributing in some small way.

During the Ori Crusade, Sergeant James volunteered to assist in the evacuation of P3X-367 operating an F.R.E.D. to help relocate refugees and their belongings through the Stargate.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Dale James was portrayed by Tobias Slezak in 2 episodes of Stargate SG-1. He also portrayed characters on Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe.
