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National Intelligence Department

Name(s): Cross
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Agent
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
National Intelligence Department

Portrayed by: Vincent Gale

Agent Cross is a member of the NID, now working with the Central Intelligence Agency.


Cross was one of two NID Agents who went undercover in Steveston, Oregon, a town that had been taken over by juvenile clones of a Goa'uld symbiote that had been acquired by the Russian Stargate Program from a captured Jaffa, and sold to Adrian Conrad of Zeditron Industries. Cross was undercover as a Deputy in the local Sheriff's Department, safeguarding the Steveston population who, in their sleep, were being used by the juvenile symbiotes to construct a escape craft in the town's abandoned shipyards. Both Cross and his partner Agent Singer ultimately became compromised and implanted with symbiotes themselves, who planned to spread their infiltration back to NID Headquarters, and beyond. Though this particular attempt was thwarted by the efforts of SG-1, a similar scheme would later succeed in infiltrating The Trust, the NID, and even Stargate Command.  (SG1: "Desperate Measures", "Nightwalkers", "Full Alert", "Insiders"; ATL: "Critical Mass")

Though they had been acting on orders, Cross and Singer were treated as scapegoats by the NID, and experienced a lot of personal and professional animosity over the following years. After the Goa'uld infiltration of The Trust, he became a hard line champion of precautionary measures: with former hosts somewhat able to sense the presence of Naquadah in another individual, Cross garnered a reputation as something of a bloodhound, assisting with any interviews and interrogations of suspected Goa'uld. That reputation saw him sent to liaise with the Central Intelligence Agency's Anti-Trust Task Force.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

When Agent Burke was asked to provide a CIA protective detail for a routine IOA visit to the Beta Site, Cross was one of the agents he included in his detail.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Sergeant Bates is portrayed by Vincent Gale in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1. He later portrayed Doctor Morrison in 6 episodes of Stargate Universe. He may be familiar as Peter Laird from Battlestar Galactica, or Nigel Griffin (the Invisible Man) on Sanctuary. He has also appeared on Arrow, Supernatural, Supergirl, Snowpiercer, and Midnight Mass — all filmed in or around Vancouver.
