Malcolm Barrett

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Malcolm Barrett

National Intelligence Department

Name(s): Malcolm Barrett
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Agent
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
National Intelligence Department

Portrayed by: Peter Flemming

Agent Malcolm Barrett is a member of the National Intelligence Department.


Agent Barrett first came into contact with the Stargate Program while investigating Martin Lloyd and evaluating the severity of the Wormhole X-Treme! security breach. He was later appointed by the White House to investigate the assassination attempt against Senator Robert Kinsey, which had been carried out by Rogue NID operatives using offworld technology. He was trusted enough by Stargate Command that they sought his evaluation of Richard Woolsey when Kinsey deployed him as an attack dog against the SGC.  (SG1: "Wormhole X-Treme!", "Smoke and Mirrors", "Heroes, Part 2")

Much of Barrett's later interactions with Stargate Command involved the threat of Goa'uld at large on Earth. He assisted in the investigation of the Goa'uld-Human hybrid Anna, and the search for Ba'al when he sought refuge from the Free Jaffa on Earth. He later discovered The Trust's infiltration of the Atlantis Expedition — via a symbiote implanted in Colonel Steven Caldwell — and their plans to destroy the city as a way to safeguard against a Wraith invasion of the Milky Way.  (SG1: "Resurrection", "Ex Deus Machina"; ATL: "Critical Mass")

After Sarah Gardner was freed from the symbiote Osiris, Barrett was responsible for recruiting her as a consultant for the NID, using her skills as an archaeologist and a former host to recognise historical and mythological sites of potential offworld interest: like the ziggurat that had contained Hathor, the Fountain of Youth in Honduras, or Merlin's outpost under Glastonbury Tor. The NID was interested in sites that might prove potentially dangerous (or valuable), but also as an opportunity to find valuable technologies without the involvement of Stargate Command.  (SG1: "Hathor", "Evolution, Part 1", "Avalon, Part 1"; SGR: "The Arrow")

At some stage during his investigations into The Trust, Barrett was captured and brainwashed by Ba'al, who used his access to facilitate a plan to steal Stargate addresses from the SGC. His brainwashing was broken to the apparent satisfaction of the NID in short order, as he assisted in an investigation into stolen Sodan technology a few weeks later.  (SG1: "Insiders", "Uninvited")

During Ba'al's attempt to capture the Orici and take her as a host, Barrett's operatives within The Trust were able to learn of the location of a meeting between several of Ba'al's clones on P3R-112. He later assisted with an investigation into the kidnapping of Jeannie Miller, the sister of Rodney McKay, by the President of a contractor the Stargate Program had outsourced R&D to.  (SG1: "Dominion"; ATL: "Miller's Crossing")

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Behind the Scenes

Agent Barrett is portrayed by Peter Flemming in 6 episodes of Stargate SG-1 and 2 episodes of Stargate Atlantis.
