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Jaffa Commander

Hubrok is a Jaffa who was once loyal to Ba'al.


During the Battle of Dakara, Hubrok was the commander of Ba'al's Ha'tak. After the defeat of the Replicators, the ship was boarded by soldiers from the Rebel Jaffa, who siezed control and took Hubrok prisoner, although Ba'al himself managed to escape.  (SG1: "Reckoning, Part 2")

Separated and liberated from his master — and left abandoned by him — Hubrok was swayed by the new leaders of the Free Jaffa Nation. His reputation allowed him to inspire the loyalty of many of Ba'al's former Jaffa, and when the interim Jaffa High Council was first established he commanded the loyalty of much of Ba'al's armada, making him a valuable ally to Bra'tac, Teal'c, and their aspirations for Jaffa democracy. He mysteriously disappeared soon after, however, with many considering Gerak — a political rival, who wanted to see power determined based on military assets — to have been responsible; although there was no direct evidence to prove this.  (SG1: "Avalon, Part 1", "Origin")

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Behind the Scenes

Hubrok was only mentioned in dialogue in "Avalon, Part 1". However, he is assumed to be the unnamed Jaffa Commander in "Reckoning, Part 2", played by Emy Aneke.