Graham Simmons

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Graham Simmons

Captain, United States Air Force

Name(s): Graham Simmons  (Gray)
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Captain
Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Air Force
Beta Site (Stargate Command)

Portrayed by: Tobias Mehler

Captain Graham Simmons is the officer responsible for Stargate Operations at the Beta Site.


Lieutenant Graham Simmons served at Stargate Command during the early years of its operation. He was present when SG-1 brought back an artifact from P5C-353, inadvertently releasing a sentient microorganism by which Simmons was infected. He was also present when Stargate Command became entangled with P3W-451 during its close orbit of a black hole, and during the attack on Earth's Stargate by Anubis which ultimately led to the Antarctic Gate being destroyed. He was a graduate of the science program at the Air Force Academy and usually worked in the control room at Stargate Command, providing scientific analysis on the Stargate, particularly during unusual circumstances.  (SG1: "Message in a Bottle", "A Matter of Time", "The Fifth Race", "Serpent's Song", "Redemption, Part 1")

At some stage he was assigned to Area 51, working with Doctor Larry Murphy on the X-302 Program. As a Captain, he was assigned to the Beta Site as the senior officer overseeing Stargate Operations at the base. His responsibilities included monitoring the Stargate itself, which was located outside the base rather than within the facility itself, to facilitate large scale logistics to and from the outpost; as well as scheduled dial-ins from Stargate Command, and other offworld locations.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Graham Simmons was portrayed by Tobias Mehler in 5 episodes of Stargate SG-1.
