Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — usually known as the C.D.C. — are a medical instutition in the United States of America.


Originally established as the Communical Disease Center, the CDC was established after World War II (in 1946) as a continuation of war-time efforts to combat the spread of malaria. Over the years it expanded, creating the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) in 1951 amid concerns over biological warfare during the Korean War, evolving into the Center for Disease Control and becoming the principle agency of the United States Public Health Service (PHS) during the 1970s, and diversified into the Centers for Disease Control in the 1980s as it expanded to incorporate infectious diseases, disease prevention, and environmental health into its mandate. By the 1990s, the CDC encompassed everything from chronic illnesses and disabilities to workplace hazards, global pandemics, and the threat of bioterrorism, adding the "and Prevention" to the agency's already familiar name. Since its inception, the CDC has been primarily located in Atlanta, Georgia, although there are some centers and other facilities located elsewhere — the nearest CDC facility to Cheyenne Mountain is the Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, based in Fort Collins, Colorado.

After Stargate Command was compromised by a histaminalytic virus from P3X-797, a task force of the Air Force Medical Service was established at the Air Force Academy Hospital in Colorado Springs, which incorporated experts from the CDC to advise on steps that could be taken to better limit the spread of offworld contagions. These measures were used when a bioengineered virus was encountered on PX8-987, and included decontamination protocols upon arrival through the Stargate and again before exiting the gate room.  ("The Broca Divide", "Singularity")

Following the discovery of the Ancient "Ayiana" at the White Rock Research Station in Antarctica, Doctor Francine Michaels was hired by the CDC to lead their research into the plague that had driven the Ancients to Ascension, and that Ayiana had been a carrier of. Doctor Michaels' research proved critical in devising a cure for the PRIOR2 Virus, used as a punitive biological weapon by the Priors of the Ori on worlds that did not agree to convert to Origin. After a cure was successfully found by Stargate Command — with the assistance of Orlin, a formerly Ascended being; and Gerak, a Jaffa turned Prior — Doctor Michaels relocated to the offworld Beta Site on P3B-865 to coordinate vaccination efforts among the refugee population there, alongside the Tretonin distribution infrastructure and the Offworld Inoculations Program already ongoing.  (SG1: "Frozen", "The Fourth Horseman, Part 1", "The Fourth Horseman, Part 2", "Morpheus")

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Behind the Scenes

Strictly speaking, the CDC is only referenced in "The Fourth Horseman", in relation to the Prior Plague. However, the upgrade in quarantine efforts between "The Broca Divide" and "Singularity" feels noteworthy.

The episode "Morpheus" establishes that the Red Team — a medical unit that helps investigate the sleep parasite on Vagonbrei — was "pulled from inoculation duty on 865". It is never established what the full designation of that planet was (or what patients were being inoculated against), but it lines up nicely with PB3-865 where the Odyssey was (we assume) built, and where we have located the Beta Site for the purposes of this story.