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Aset (or Isis) is a Goa'uld, and a prominent figure in the history of both Abydos and the Tau'ri.

The Queen of Osiris, she was once a loyal follower of the Supreme System Lord, Ra, ruling over Egypt during the Goa'uld occupation of Earth. Inadvertently, her host sired a child that inherited the Goa'uld genetic memory: the first Harcesis. Osiris and Isis planned to use their offspring to make a power play against the Supreme System Lord, but they were thwarted thanks to a betrayal by Set. As punishment, Osiris and Isis were stripped from their hosts and sealed within canopic jars, sealed away within one of their temples - the same punishment also used against the Tok'ra Queen, Egeria. Scientists from Earth would later discover these canopic jars, inadvertently releasing Osiris to claim a new host. Isis' stasis jar meanwhile was damaged, the symbiote inside having died.

Curiously, Aset somehow escaped her apparent fate. Millennia later, Aset ruled over the planet Abydos, serving once more as an underlord in Ra's service. Unlike many of her fellow Goa'uld she adopted a strangely benevolent relationship with the people of Abydos, healing their sick and offering genuine protection - and affection - in exchange for their work in the naquadah mines.

In 1938, the Stargate on Earth was opened by members of the Nazi party. Aset, who had sired a second harcesis, planned to exchange weapons-grade naquadah from Abydos for weapons and slaves provided by the Nazis to aid in another coup against Ra. Because of this, she was betrayed by her personal guard Serqet: Aset and her offspring are believed to have been killed when Ra bombarded the Temple of Aset from orbit.

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  • Portrayed by Salome Azizi in Stargate Origins.
  • Aset (or Iset) is a more traditional Egyptian spelling, rather than the more familiar Greek form, "Isis". It was possibly chosen in Stargate Origins to avoid similarity with the Islamic State.
  • Aset is shown in Stargate Origins with a harcesis child. In mythology, Harsiesis means "Horus, son of Isis": hence SGR's speculation that Osiris and Isis' fall from grace was because of an earlier/original harcesis child.
  • Technically, there is no confirmation that Isis and Aset are intended to be the same character, but references to her "resurrection" by Ra seem to imply this. It is unclear how this lines up with the dead symbiote in the Isis Jar in "The Curse".
    SGR's assumption is that this Goa'uld was a decoy and their death was deliberate: so that if Osiris ever escaped or was released he would find his Queen seemingly dead, either for Aset's protection or for Osiris' additional torment.
