Alec Colson

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Alec Colson

Civilian, Stargate Command

Name(s): Alec Colson
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Gender: Male (he/him)
Affiliation: United States of America
Colson Industries  (formerly)
Stargate Command (Alpha, Beta Site)

Portrayed by: Charles Shaughnessy

Alec Colson is the former CEO of Colson Industries, who was relocated to the Alpha Site to hide him from The Trust.


The son of a journalist, Colson was a keen aviation enthusiast who tragically lost his wife and daughter in a plane crash. This inspired him to found Colson Avionics, a company dedicated to improving the safety of air travel. Over time, the corporation expanded into Colson Industries, a military contractor that frequently — unknowingly — contributed to the Stargate Program. Among other examples, Colson Industries contributed to the development of the high altitude engines of the F-302, and to blind genetic research into the Asgard genome to assist with their ongoing cloning crisis.  (SG1: "Covenant")

Not quite as unknowing as the Department of Defense would have liked, Colson began to connect various dots, particularly after the Battle of Antarctica. He became fascinated with Daniel Jackson's published theories about the history of the pyramids, began to notice the tenuous nature of various Stargate Command cover stories, and managed to piece together the existence of aliens. Intending to go public, he began to collect evidence, including satellite footage of Prometheus over Antarctica, and a lab-grown Asgard, engineered from the genome that Colson Industries had been studying. Stargate Command was quick to discredit his claims as a hoax, but Colson also managed to draw the attention and ire of The Trust: at that time still a shady association of investors and political influencers whose schemes and machinations Colson was in danger of disrupting. After narrowly escaping an attempt on his life, and after the apparent suicide of his business partner Brian Volger, Colson was taken into protective custody by Stargate Command, and relocated to the Alpha Site for his protection.  (SG1: "Covenant")

Stocks in Colson Industries fell drastically after his disappearance, but the US government intervened to keep the company afloat.  (SG1: "Covenant")

At the Alpha Site, Colson turned his attention to whatever projects took his fancy. He assisted in the refinement of the X-302 into the F-302, and had input on the development of the X-303 into the BC-304. His background in aviation safety led to a particular fascination with inertial dampeners: while studying past research into that technology, he came across Claire Tobias, a former USAF engineer who had been incarcerated since her involvement with rogue elements of the NID. An expert in reverse-engineering alien technology, he convinced Stargate Command to have her transferred to house arrest at the Alpha Site so that she could assist him in his efforts. After the Battle of P3Y-229, they turned their combined attention to improving the defensive capabilities of the BC-304, proposing a system that made use of Naquadria — an unstable version of Naquadah that had been tested as a power source for the hyperdrives on the X-302 and X-303 before being deemed "too unstable". Their proposals showed promise, and so Colson and Tobias were relocated to the Beta Site, in order to test their prototype on the Battlecruiser being constructed there.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Alec Colson was portrayed by Charles Shaughnessy in 1 episode of Stargate SG-1.
