Susannah Lindsay

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Susannah Lindsay

Lieutenant, United States Air Force

Name(s): Susannah Lindsay  (Susan, Suzie)
Species: Human (Tau'ri)
Homeworld: Earth

Rank(s): Captain
Gender: Female (she/her)
Affiliation: United States of America
United States Air Force
Atlantis Expedition (formerly)
Beta Site (Stargate Command)

Portrayed by: Penelope Corrin

Lieutenant Susannah Lindsay is an anthropologist stationed at the Beta Site.


Doctor Lindsay was an officer at Stargate Command, and a potential new member of SG-1 under Colonel Cameron Mitchell. While not selected for the team, she was present when Colonel Mitchell encountered a Prior on P3X-421, the first such encounter in the Milky Way. Her competence saw her assigned to the Atlantis Expedition in lieu of Daniel Jackson, whose entanglement with alien technology prevented him from being aboard the Daedalus when it left for the Pegasus Galaxy. She was aboard when a Wraith virus hijacked the Daedalus computers. Upon arrival at Atlantis, she was assigned to the team of Major Evan Lorne; she narrowly escaped capture by the Genii, warning Atlantis of the fate that had befallen her team. Doctor Lindsay returned to the Milky Way with the rest of the Atlantis Expedition, following the discovery of the Ancient ship Tria by the Daedalus.  (SG1: "Avalon, Part 1", "Origin", "The Ties that Bind"; ATL: "The Intruder", "Coup d'Etat", "The Return, Part 1")

Doctor Lindsay was assigned to the Beta Site, where her anthropologist skills were a great benefit in aiding refugee relocation efforts during the Ori Crusade. She made a point of learning the Unas language, to better communicate with the natives of P3X-403 who frequently delivered Naquadah to the Beta Site.  (SGR: "The Arrow")

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Behind the Scenes

Doctor Lindsay was portrayed by Penelope Corrin in 2 episodes of Stargate SG-1 and 1 episode of Stargate Atlantis.
